
研究人员作文 研究者们汇总

格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-04-20 07:17:16 页码:9
研究人员作文 研究者们汇总
2023-04-20 07:17:16    小编:zdfb


研究人员作文 研究者们篇一

  • 英语万能句子 推荐度:
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  • 英语万能句子初中 推荐度:
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researchers are working on an amnesia (健忘症) drug that blocks or s (删除)bad memories. the drug is used along with therapy to "dampen" memories of trauma (损伤)victims. they treated 19 accident victims for ten days, during which the patients were asked to describe their memories of the traumatic event that had happened 10 years earlier. some patients were given the drug, which is also used to treat amnesia, while others were given a placebo(安慰剂). a week later, they found that patients given the drug showed fewer signs of stress when recalling their trauma.

a short 1966 science fiction story writes about selectively erasing (抹去)memories: someone, probably at a government military-sciences lab, erased his conscious memories; all he know was that going to mars meant something special to him, and so did being a secret agent.





