
单元操作设计课程心得体会精选 操作系统课程设计总结与体会(7篇)

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单元操作设计课程心得体会精选 操作系统课程设计总结与体会(7篇)
2022-12-29 19:47:22    小编:ZTFB


































(1)该房产总价格为人民币 万元整,协议签定之后,首付 万元订金。

(2)甲方完全搬走之后,再付款人民币 万元。

(3)房产产权转让手续顺利办完之后,再付清剩余 万元。












甲方:(单位签章) 乙方:(签字签章)

代表:(签字) 代表:(签字)

________年____月____日 ________年____月____日


出租人(甲方): 承租人(乙方):





1、租赁期限自 年 月 日至 年 月 日止。




1、该房屋两年租金人民币 元整(小写 元),一次性付清。

2、合同签订之日,乙方应向甲方支付人民币 元整,小写 元)作为租赁保证金,租赁期满时乙方如不再续租,且乙方无任何违约行为时,甲方将该保证金全部无息退还给乙方。









2、乙方不得在该房屋内进行违反法律法规有关规定的行为。 3、租赁期届满时,乙方享有在同等条件下的优先续租权。











清潭中学 姜贺










work, group work, team work 等活动方式,让每一个学生都能得到语言技能训练的机会。


1.单元教学内容分析: 21单元的话题是谈论过去的经历。教学目标: (1). 学习情态动词could的用法(2).



2. 分课时教学模式:


1. 复习 :谈论寒假生活及春节活动。 2. 导入新课:让学生仔细听老师说, i can skate on the real ice. i

could do it when i was nine years old. nobody taught me .i learned it all

by myself. 问几个问题 1. what can i do ? 2. when could i do it ? 3. did anybody

teach me ? 4. how did i learn it ? 然后让学生仿说,再让其同学用第三人称复述. 同时指出could是can过去式

3. 朗读并表演part 1 (1)(可将81课两幅图先画在投影上)问:what’s she doing ? (she’s riding a

bike.) can she ride a bike?(no, she can’t. because she fell off the bike.)

she hurt herself, didn’t she ? ( no, she didn’t )

用同样的方法进行第二节对话,将有用的短语写在黑板上并领读 fall off, hurt oneself, teach oneself =

learn…all by oneself (2)朗读并表演(3)迁移与拓展 让学生整理已学过含有反身代词的词组 enjoy oneself,

look after oneself, help oneself to, buy oneself, wash oneself, say

oneself to… 整理各种人称的反身代词(口头)。 4. 问答:读后仿说 ( in pairs )。(part 2 )用could you

……when you were….years old ? yes, i could. 然后改变人称用she or he. 5.

操练:创设语境多方练说。(part 3 ) could you 1. sing english songs 3. write

the piano 5. play computer games when you were four? name answers 1

2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 让学生先填表,老师问:“what did you find out about ….?”

学生答: i found out that he/she could read when she was 4. 6.练习与作业: 完成l 81 of

wb (p97)复习并整理反身代词。 lesson 82 the moonlight sonata



学会有关音乐及贝多芬知识的词汇。如,piano, moonlight, sonata, poor, afford, to one’s

surprise, lose oneself in….等。能力目标: 培养学生阅读理解能力。德育目标:




教体手段:多媒体辅助教学,贯穿整个教学过程。增加了直观性和趣味性,加大课堂教学密度,提高教学效果。八、课时: 两教时九、教学程序:第一教时

begin with a piece of beethoven’s music (picture 1)(欢乐颂) step 1 : (

picture 2 ) ask the students two questions about the music (1) what’s the

name of the music ?(2)who composed it ? ( beethoven ) (3)how many pieces

of his music do you know ? now i’ll introduce you one of his piano music.

would you like to listen? play the music and the students listen and watch

. ( picture 3) step 2: (picture 4 ) now answer the questions : (1) what’s

the name of the music ? (the moonlight sonata) (2) what do you know about

beethoven ? then tell them more information about beethoven. ( picture 5 )

step 3: (lead to the lesson ) today we’re going to learn how and where he

composed his moonlight sonata. step 4: show “the knowledge aims”: (picture

6 ) (1)learn some useful expressions and be able to use them. (2)read the

passage fluently. step 5. (picture 7) ask one question : “how did the girl

learn the music?” the teacher will tell the main idea of the text while

the students listen and look at the pictures. (at the same time the useful

expressions are shown.) reach the new words and expressions after the

teacher. step 6: and read after the tape. then tell yes-no

questions. (picture 8) 1. did the girl find it easy to play beethoven’s

sonata in f ?2. did the girl live alone ? 3. did the girl really believe

her dream would come true? 4. did beethoven teach the girl learn to play

his sonata in f ? 5. did the girl and the young man like the music played

by beethoven ? 2. ask the ss to read the text more carefully again

(picture 9) , and answer the questions according to it, then give them

some minutes to prepare ,then ask and answer them in pairs. ( picture 10)

1. why did beethoven stop outside a little house when he was walking in a

street one evening? 2. how did the girl find beethoven’s sonata in f ? 3.

what did the young man say when he heard the girl’s wish ? 4. what

surprised beethoven when he saw the girl ? 5. how did the girl learn to

play this music ? 6. did beethoven teach the girl to play his sonata in f

? what did he do instead ? 7. did the girl and young man like the music

played by beethoven ? how do know that ? 8. what did beethoven call that

new piece of music ? 3. try to retell the story according to the answers

or key words. pided the passage into three parts: (1) one evening, walk,

stop, hear sb. playing, come one’s voice, be difficult to play, how i

wish…., cannot afford to do sth., say it for fun (2) knock at, in the dim

candle light, sit before…, to one’s surprise, learn it by ear, listen to

sb. for a long time (3) say no more, sit down, shine brightly, look up,

say to oneself, listen to …. silently, lose oneself in…, al night, call

it… step 7: now we’ve known more about the music “the moonlight sonata ”.

do you know about any other composer ? ( some students tell the names they

know ) now here is a piece of beautiful chinese music (《二泉映乐》)for you.

let’s enjoy it. ( picture 11 ) play it .(sing it together if they can .)

then talk about the music and the writer “ who composed it ? where and

when was he born ? who taught him music ? what’s the feeling of the music

,a happy one or a sad one ? (picture 12) and give them some minutes to

discuss it . step 8. ( picture 13) talk about their favourite music. 1.

what kind of music do you like best?( pop, rock, classical, light, country

…..) why ? 2. can you play the piano or any other instrument ? who taught

you ? (ask one student to act ) let’s invite her to play it. step 9:

(picture 14 ) practice : look at the pictures and talk about them (key

words given ). write the answers in their exercise-books. step 10: (

picture 15 ) do some exercises using the useful expressions. step 11 :

homework for today : read the text again and do the written work. ( that’s

all ) 第二教时: step 1. review l82 1. read the passage first then try to

retell it. 2. speak out the useful phrases and sentences. step 2: explain

some of language poits:(讲解、迁移、拓展) 1. he heard someone playing his sonata

in f. (1) difference between hear and listen (2) hear sb. do / doing sth.

(see, feel, watch ) e.g we often hear him sing english songs in the next

room. can you hear someone singing in the next room ? 2. how i wish i

could …. (1) wish + clause ( past tense ) (can’t realize) e.g i wish i

could answer the question. (that means i can’t ) (2) hope to do / wish sb.

to do she hopes to come to china next year. i wishes her to come to china

next year. 3. i couldn’t afford to do…. “afford” is often used with can,

can’t, could, couldn’t ) 迁移 afford and pay 4. play the piano ( “the” need

to put in front of instrument, but not ball games) 5. “quiet” and “silent”

“quiet” 表示静止的状态。用于人时,表示性格的安静,但并不指默默无声。this is a quiet fishing village. he

spent a quiet evening reading at home. he ia a quiet man. “silent”

表示“无声的、沉静的、一声不响的”,指没有任何声音。 that is a silent movie. he is silent about what

happened. 二、exercises: 1. translation 2. choose correct phrases to fill in

the blanks 3. composition: if you have lots of money, what will you do ?


but等并列连词连接的并列句 on a trip,too…to…, return, have a nice weekend


teaching steps: step 1. check their homework. if you have lots of money,

what will you do ? (1) review the reflexive pronouns by asking questions.

t: do you live by yourself ? s1: no. i live with my parents. t: do you

wash yourself ? s2: yes. i do. t: can you do your homework by yourselves ?

s3: yes. i do it all by ourselves. ask the others to change the personal

into the third (2) show the following sentences to the students: i hope

she didn’t hurt herself. she taught herself. did she learn all by herself

? how i wish i could hear beethoven himself play it! then he said to

himself,.. they both lose themselves in the beautiful music. i can buy

myself lots of good things. i don’t enjoy myself very much. could mr more

buy himself lots of good things ? my little brother is too young to look

after himself. help yourselves. 反身代词 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称单数 myself yourself

himself,herself,itself 复数 ourselves yourselves themselves (3) sum up : (by

the students) step2. presentation ( books closed ) ask “ does mr more

enjoy himself ?” play the first part of the tape for the students to find

the answer ( no ). then do the same with the second part. next open their

books. let them read the passage and answer the questions in pairs. play

again for the students to practise reading aloud. step 4: [议一议] point out

the compound sentences in the part 1 ask “what kind of sentences are they

?” they’re called compound sentence look at the form: the compound

sentence 连词 例句 代表的关系 and mary helps kate and ann helps lily 等同递进 but jim

likes chinese, but he needs help. 转折 or do you like apples or pears ?

选择,否则 so mike was ill, so he didn’t go to school 因果 [想一想] ask: are they

compound sentence ? why ? 1. jim and his family work in the same factory.

2. i turned on the tv, sat down and watched it 3. we sang and danced that

day. step 5: part 2. play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.

then in groups of three get them to read the dialogue together. step 6:

[练一练] do the exercises of wb 83 step 7: homework:(1)recite part 1 and part

2(2)finish wb and do some translation exercises.


teaching steps: step 1: revision. have a dictation. ask the students to

write down the sentences the teacher says ( they’re the answers to

yesterday’s homework ).then check their writing with the class. model . 1.

he could ride a bike all by himself when he was four. 2. the ice is too

thin to skate on. boys enjoyed themselves in the river just now. 4.

i saw the children playing football a moment ago. 5. mr green is reading

newspapers at the table, and mrs green is having breakfast at table. 6.

work hard, or you won’t catch up with the others. step 2: read and act (

part 1 ) play the tape of the first dialogue for the students to listen

and repeat, then get them to practise it in pairs. ask some pairs to act

it out. repeat with the second part in the same way. pay attention to

these: (1) it’s time ….. (2) get + link.v (3) leave + someplace. step 3:

practice : ( part 2 ) in pairs, have the students practise the dialogue

orally. ( part 4 ) in pairs , have the students make sentences. then ask

some pairs to share some of their sentences with the class. do wb l84, ex

6 orally in pairs. step 4: listening. listen to the tape and fill in the

table below. step 5: writing have the students work inpidually to

unscramble the note then change their answers to check. step 6:

[checkpoint 21] sum up by themselves first without their books. step 7:

homework for today. (1) finish all the exercises in the wb. (2) write down

the useful expressions in their notebooks.



都说数学教学是清清楚楚一条线,而语文教学却是模模糊糊一大片。这句话形象地说明了语文与数学两门学科教学上的差别。 数学老师上课往往围绕一个知识点讲解、分析、练习、反馈,十分简洁。语文老师上课,则上对一个个零散知识点的讲解分析,教学生字新词,到概括主要内容,指导分段,概括段意,逐节讲解课文,归纳中心思想等等。如果说将数学课比喻为在一堂课里挖深一个洞,那么语文课在一堂课里挖下许多洞,至于挖得深浅如何,则是另外一回事了。于是,语文课被评价为“耗时多,效率低”。

特级教师李吉林老师说, 知识的规律是不可能从一个知识点去揭示的,而是从许多相同的、相关的、相似的内容上抽象概括出来的 ,即所谓触类旁通。优化教学结构,强化教学内容,可从根本上便于学生掌握规律。那如何将语文教学中那零散的知识点化为知识块或知识链,从而改变学生的认知结构,提高他们的学习能力呢?本学期,我尝试着采用了单元整体混合式教学法,效果不错。

所谓单元整体混合教学法,就是根据单元教学目标,在一个课时内几篇课文进行同步教学,俗称“一锅煮”。课前让学生充分预习好整个单元的课文,将课文读熟,课中以学生自学探究为主,逐步落实各个知识点和训练点,现以浙江省义务教材小学语文第七册第二单元为例, 谈谈我在单元整体混合式教学中的几点做法。



(1)出示这单元的三篇课文题目:《雨中》、《当飞机遇险的时候》、 《罗盛教》。根据课题猜测课文的主要内容。

(2)略读三篇课文,完成填空:《雨中》主要写(  谁  )在雨中为姑娘(    干什么);《当飞机遇险的时候》主要写(  谁  )在飞机遇险的时候(怎么样);《罗盛教》主要写罗盛教(  怎么样  )。





(1)出示归类的词语,分为名词、动词、拟声词等,如 a、箩筐、卡车、轿车、雨帘、周恩来、螺旋桨、机械、罗盛教、窟窿  b、蹬车、皱眉、焦虑、嬉笑、安葬、继续、命令、封锁、下坠、一 哄而散  c 、 嘟嘟、喀嚓  d、黄澄澄、湿漉漉   e、层层叠叠。

(2)要求读准字音。请去掉 已经在课外阅读中掌握的词语,将难念的词语多读几遍。小组交流学习,全班交流反馈。


哪些词语的意思你已经在课外阅读里理解了?请划去这些词语。圈出你还不理解的词语,运用查字典,联系上下文,联系生活实际,找近义词、反义词等方法来理解 。




在小学四年级,识字仍是一个教学重点。 学生已有了一定的识字能力,不需要教师花费很大的精力,关键是教给记忆方法。识字中强调“哪些字词你已经认识了”这个问题,使学生以多识字为荣,养成主动识字的习惯。 理解词语重视培养学生主动独立理解词语能力。


[1] [2]


清潭中学 姜贺










work, group work, team work 等活动方式,让每一个学生都能得到语言技能训练的机会。


1.单元教学内容分析: 21单元的话题是谈论过去的经历。教学目标: (1). 学习情态动词could的用法(2).



2. 分课时教学模式:


1. 复习 :谈论寒假生活及春节活动。 2. 导入新课:让学生仔细听老师说, i can skate on the real ice. i

could do it when i was nine years old. nobody taught me .i learned it all

by myself. 问几个问题 1. what can i do ? 2. when could i do it ? 3. did anybody

teach me ? 4. how did i learn it ? 然后让学生仿说,再让其同学用第三人称复述. 同时指出could是can过去式

3. 朗读并表演part 1 (1)(可将81课两幅图先画在投影上)问:what’s she doing ? (she’s riding a

bike.) can she ride a bike?(no, she can’t. because she fell off the bike.)

she hurt herself, didn’t she ? ( no, she didn’t )

用同样的方法进行第二节对话,将有用的短语写在黑板上并领读 fall off, hurt oneself, teach oneself =

learn…all by oneself (2)朗读并表演(3)迁移与拓展 让学生整理已学过含有反身代词的词组 enjoy oneself,

look after oneself, help oneself to, buy oneself, wash oneself, say

oneself to… 整理各种人称的反身代词(口头)。 4. 问答:读后仿说 ( in pairs )。(part 2 )用could you

……when you were….years old ? yes, i could. 然后改变人称用she or he. 5.

操练:创设语境多方练说。(part 3 ) could you 1. sing english songs 3. write

the piano 5. play computer games when you were four? name answers 1

2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 让学生先填表,老师问:“what did you find out about ….?”

学生答: i found out that he/she could read when she was 4. 6.练习与作业: 完成l 81 of

wb (p97)复习并整理反身代词。 lesson 82 the moonlight sonata



学会有关音乐及贝多芬知识的词汇。如,piano, moonlight, sonata, poor, afford, to one’s

surprise, lose oneself in….等。能力目标: 培养学生阅读理解能力。德育目标:




教体手段:多媒体辅助教学,贯穿整个教学过程。增加了直观性和趣味性,加大课堂教学密度,提高教学效果。八、课时: 两教时九、教学程序:第一教时

begin with a piece of beethoven’s music (picture 1)(欢乐颂) step 1 : (

picture 2 ) ask the students two questions about the music (1) what’s the

name of the music ?(2)who composed it ? ( beethoven ) (3)how many pieces

of his music do you know ? now i’ll introduce you one of his piano music.

would you like to listen? play the music and the students listen and watch

. ( picture 3) step 2: (picture 4 ) now answer the questions : (1) what’s

the name of the music ? (the moonlight sonata) (2) what do you know about

beethoven ? then tell them more information about beethoven. ( picture 5 )

step 3: (lead to the lesson ) today we’re going to learn how and where he

composed his moonlight sonata. step 4: show “the knowledge aims”: (picture

6 ) (1)learn some useful expressions and be able to use them. (2)read the

passage fluently. step 5. (picture 7) ask one question : “how did the girl

learn the music?” the teacher will tell the main idea of the text while

the students listen and look at the pictures. (at the same time the useful

expressions are shown.) reach the new words and expressions after the

teacher. step 6: and read after the tape. then tell yes-no

questions. (picture 8) 1. did the girl find it easy to play beethoven’s

sonata in f ?2. did the girl live alone ? 3. did the girl really believe

her dream would come true? 4. did beethoven teach the girl learn to play

his sonata in f ? 5. did the girl and the young man like the music played

by beethoven ? 2. ask the ss to read the text more carefully again

(picture 9) , and answer the questions according to it, then give them

some minutes to prepare ,then ask and answer them in pairs. ( picture 10)

1. why did beethoven stop outside a little house when he was walking in a

street one evening? 2. how did the girl find beethoven’s sonata in f ? 3.

what did the young man say when he heard the girl’s wish ? 4. what

surprised beethoven when he saw the girl ? 5. how did the girl learn to

play this music ? 6. did beethoven teach the girl to play his sonata in f

? what did he do instead ? 7. did the girl and young man like the music

played by beethoven ? how do know that ? 8. what did beethoven call that

new piece of music ? 3. try to retell the story according to the answers

or key words. pided the passage into three parts: (1) one evening, walk,

stop, hear sb. playing, come one’s voice, be difficult to play, how i

wish…., cannot afford to do sth., say it for fun (2) knock at, in the dim

candle light, sit before…, to one’s surprise, learn it by ear, listen to

sb. for a long time (3) say no more, sit down, shine brightly, look up,

say to oneself, listen to …. silently, lose oneself in…, al night, call

it… step 7: now we’ve known more about the music “the moonlight sonata ”.

do you know about any other composer ? ( some students tell the names they

know ) now here is a piece of beautiful chinese music (《二泉映乐》)for you.

let’s enjoy it. ( picture 11 ) play it .(sing it together if they can .)

then talk about the music and the writer “ who composed it ? where and

when was he born ? who taught him music ? what’s the feeling of the music

,a happy one or a sad one ? (picture 12) and give them some minutes to

discuss it . step 8. ( picture 13) talk about their favourite music. 1.

what kind of music do you like best?( pop, rock, classical, light, country

…..) why ? 2. can you play the piano or any other instrument ? who taught

you ? (ask one student to act ) let’s invite her to play it. step 9:

(picture 14 ) practice : look at the pictures and talk about them (key

words given ). write the answers in their exercise-books. step 10: (

picture 15 ) do some exercises using the useful expressions. step 11 :

homework for today : read the text again and do the written work. ( that’s

all ) 第二教时: step 1. review l82 1. read the passage first then try to

retell it. 2. speak out the useful phrases and sentences. step 2: explain

some of language poits:(讲解、迁移、拓展) 1. he heard someone playing his sonata

in f. (1) difference between hear and listen (2) hear sb. do / doing sth.

(see, feel, watch ) e.g we often hear him sing english songs in the next

room. can you hear someone singing in the next room ? 2. how i wish i

could …. (1) wish + clause ( past tense ) (can’t realize) e.g i wish i

could answer the question. (that means i can’t ) (2) hope to do / wish sb.

to do she hopes to come to china next year. i wishes her to come to china

next year. 3. i couldn’t afford to do…. “afford” is often used with can,

can’t, could, couldn’t ) 迁移 afford and pay 4. play the piano ( “the” need

to put in front of instrument, but not ball games) 5. “quiet” and “silent”

“quiet” 表示静止的状态。用于人时,表示性格的安静,但并不指默默无声。this is a quiet fishing village. he

spent a quiet evening reading at home. he ia a quiet man. “silent”

表示“无声的、沉静的、一声不响的”,指没有任何声音。 that is a silent movie. he is silent about what

happened. 二、exercises: 1. translation 2. choose correct phrases to fill in

the blanks 3. composition: if you have lots of money, what will you do ?


but等并列连词连接的并列句 on a trip,too…to…, return, have a nice weekend


teaching steps: step 1. check their homework. if you have lots of money,

what will you do ? (1) review the reflexive pronouns by asking questions.

t: do you live by yourself ? s1: no. i live with my parents. t: do you

wash yourself ? s2: yes. i do. t: can you do your homework by yourselves ?

s3: yes. i do it all by ourselves. ask the others to change the personal

into the third (2) show the following sentences to the students: i hope

she didn’t hurt herself. she taught herself. did she learn all by herself

? how i wish i could hear beethoven himself play it! then he said to

himself,.. they both lose themselves in the beautiful music. i can buy

myself lots of good things. i don’t enjoy myself very much. could mr more

buy himself lots of good things ? my little brother is too young to look

after himself. help yourselves. 反身代词 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称单数 myself yourself

himself,herself,itself 复数 ourselves yourselves themselves (3) sum up : (by

the students) step2. presentation ( books closed ) ask “ does mr more

enjoy himself ?” play the first part of the tape for the students to find

the answer ( no ). then do the same with the second part. next open their

books. let them read the passage and answer the questions in pairs. play

again for the students to practise reading aloud. step 4: [议一议] point out

the compound sentences in the part 1 ask “what kind of sentences are they

?” they’re called compound sentence look at the form: the compound

sentence 连词 例句 代表的关系 and mary helps kate and ann helps lily 等同递进 but jim

likes chinese, but he needs help. 转折 or do you like apples or pears ?

选择,否则 so mike was ill, so he didn’t go to school 因果 [想一想] ask: are they

compound sentence ? why ? 1. jim and his family work in the same factory.

2. i turned on the tv, sat down and watched it 3. we sang and danced that

day. step 5: part 2. play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.

then in groups of three get them to read the dialogue together. step 6:

[练一练] do the exercises of wb 83 step 7: homework:(1)recite part 1 and part

2(2)finish wb and do some translation exercises.


teaching steps: step 1: revision. have a dictation. ask the students to

write down the sentences the teacher says ( they’re the answers to

yesterday’s homework ).then check their writing with the class. model . 1.

he could ride a bike all by himself when he was four. 2. the ice is too

thin to skate on. boys enjoyed themselves in the river just now. 4.

i saw the children playing football a moment ago. 5. mr green is reading

newspapers at the table, and mrs green is having breakfast at table. 6.

work hard, or you won’t catch up with the others. step 2: read and act (

part 1 ) play the tape of the first dialogue for the students to listen

and repeat, then get them to practise it in pairs. ask some pairs to act

it out. repeat with the second part in the same way. pay attention to

these: (1) it’s time ….. (2) get + link.v (3) leave + someplace. step 3:

practice : ( part 2 ) in pairs, have the students practise the dialogue

orally. ( part 4 ) in pairs , have the students make sentences. then ask

some pairs to share some of their sentences with the class. do wb l84, ex

6 orally in pairs. step 4: listening. listen to the tape and fill in the

table below. step 5: writing have the students work inpidually to

unscramble the note then change their answers to check. step 6:

[checkpoint 21] sum up by themselves first without their books. step 7:

homework for today. (1) finish all the exercises in the wb. (2) write down

the useful expressions in their notebooks.






















