
大学英语写作训练心得体会和方法 大学英语写作课程的心得体会(6篇)

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大学英语写作训练心得体会和方法 大学英语写作课程的心得体会(6篇)
2022-12-30 09:57:13    小编:ZTFB



good moning, ladies and gentlemen. my topic today is educational backgroundshould never lose the ability .

talking about the educatinal background and ability, there is one people wecan't help thinking up , that is tang jun, who has been regarded as the “king ofchinese employees”, but he lost his dream because joye said his educationalbackground is fake . at this moment ,sb said tang is nobody because he iswithout any educatinal background , however others still said tang is sb becausehe is within the ability. ladies and gentleman, what do you think? before answerit, i want to ask another questions" why are you sitting here today ? why am istanding here today? for

what ? educatinal background ? ability? i think both of them, every day wework hard for pursuing higher educatinal background directly or indirectly :everyday we experience xhallenges or difficulties to improve our abilityconsciously or unconsciously. so ,today,i should say , we should own theeducational background as well as the ability.

then now , i remenber a few days ago , one of my young sister , who is afreshman in jianghan university , called me and complained to me seriously, “ myheadmaster told us to now work as hard as possible to prepare the postgraduateexamination for a higher educational background tommorow. on the other side , headvised us to enhance our real ability in practice . what should i do ? howshould i deal with it? i was surprised about her complainants. however, after isurfed the internet , i was more shocked. it was reported in an investigation ,now there are nearly 40% of graduates who are pure bookworms, only with theeducational background , 30%

are practitioners , only with high ability but failed many courses untilgraduation.

what a extreme! educational background and ability , they are different butthey are not conflicted, they are seperated, actually they are unified. in thisage of modernization, in this age of competition, eucatinal background shouldnever lose the ability, without educatinal background , tangjun is still a greatman for his undoubtedly ability and contributions . we are not mr tang , he isunique in the world . his ability can't be copied, we are the common people ,what we should do is to work down to earth .

then one day we can have the key of high educational background to open thedoor of future, meanwhile , strengthen the ability to stand there highly andrespectivly


thank you very much!











1.听说。听是输入,说是输出,所以听力是口语的前提。你可以常上英语学习网站,比如普特(putclub)、沪江英语(hjenglish)上面有很多听力材料,有不同的难度梯度。如果你本身英语还不错的话,可以从上面多找一些voa、bbc和cnn的新闻和报道(有音频有视频),然后做精听练习。先听一两遍,搞明白main idea,然后再以句子意群为单位,精确地repeat其中的每句话(重复的时候注意模仿原音中的发音、语调、停顿等)。这样的训练可以很实在的提高你的英语听力实力。经过一段时间(一个月、一学期...)的密集训练,你就会发现听英语的时候不再是“朦朦胧胧”的,而是很清楚的知道老外在讲什么。




1.多听 多看 多说 多练

2.平时多积累一些词汇 这样用的时候就不会感觉无从下手。


4.最好是看一些资料和光碟。属于日常口语方面的 ,能锻炼自己的表达能力。

5.记忆词汇的时候要掌握内在规律,比如 发音方面的 词形方面的 意义方面的等等




总之,只要记住 听说读写译 几方面的步骤 灵活运用。穿插进行。多积累,多练,专心致志,日积月累,就会有所成就。



——做真题 寻找弱项逐个单项突破













当我向他们问侯着:“how are you? glad to meet you!”时,看着他们伸出的一双双小手,课堂气氛变得活跃起来,接着我又让他们学唱英文歌曲,我感觉学生们已经渐渐地融入了英语学习的环境中,我暗自欢喜。通过第一节课的教学,我知道了,应该根据学生的年龄特点,立足课本,设计一些能吸引学生注意力,并能鼓励学生开口说英语、有趣味的教学方法,这样更有利于提高课堂效率。

一、 利用游戏教学法,吸引学生的注意力,帮助学生理解和记忆单词。

例如:在刚教完关于学习用品的单词后,我设计了“what’s missing?”游戏帮助学生检查新单词的掌握程度,这样不但可以激发学生学习兴趣,也可以形成学生乐学,教师乐教的良好氛围。又如在一年级的教材中,有一些是关于颜色的单词,教师可以从颜色中选择一种颜色隐藏起来,让学生猜是哪一种颜色,这样的教学设计,充分调动了学生的积极性,活跃课堂气氛,使师生关系非常融洽。

二、 演演,说说,学以致用。

课堂不仅是传播知识的地方,更是一个师生展示自己的舞台。表演是学习语言的有效途。为了鼓励学生开口说英语,可以根据小学生爱表现的特点,在教授动词后,可以让学生根据动词的意思,给出相应的动作进行表演,不仅可以满足学生的表现欲,也可以使学生们的情绪高涨。又如关于“let’s go shopping.”的话题,可以创设一个情景,根据学过的知识进行对话表演,不但可以锻炼孩子口语能力,也可以增强学生的自信心。

三、 使用歌曲或是chant 进行课前热身,这样可以帮助学生记住学过的单词和句型。

歌曲和chant ,因为朗朗上口,学生非常有兴趣,所以他们会在课后说、唱起来,这是一种无意识的复习和巩固,可以帮助学生拓展课外知识。例如:教材里有一首chant,我先让学生自己朗读,让学生从整体感知韵律,然后再听读,学生很快的掌握,最后配上有节奏的音乐,学生跟随着音乐的节奏,体验着学习语言的乐趣,在愉快的活动中掌握了语言知识,让他们在做中学,在唱中学,在玩中学,从而为培养他们用英语交流打下了良好的基础。

四、 在教学设计中以激发学生兴趣为宗旨。


五、 心中有爱。




1) 大一:

刚进大学,有大量的新鲜事物有待探索 (remain to explore),很多人把大量的时间花在左顾右盼上,但是有一部分同学,他们目标坚定,内心成熟,他们已经拿起“新概念”,在校园里晨读起来。如果大学有一件事情值得你坚持四年,那么它就是早读。

第一学期, 从高中细节的语法学习、题海轰炸过渡到大学兴趣为主、阅读为王的学习方式,你可能要花点时间适应;之后,第二学期你就可以开始准备四级,用一个月的时间把词汇解决。然后你要做一些阅读和真题,轻松地就能通过四级考试。作为大学中一个最简单的考试,它只是给你些许开始的信心。如果认为自己基础稍弱一些的,可以先系统的学习一下新概念二册或初、中级阅读,打下基础,再过考试。

2) 大二:

你内心清楚自己的目标是六级,但是这个时候,你可能会对听力口语产生一些兴趣,是的,你应该找出几盒有难度进阶的磁带来练听力。有几个原则必须遵守:一、不看原文(不把听力变成阅读);二、在安静的环境下认真听;三、反复听相同的东西。第一盒磁带可能会让你生不如死,过了一个月才大致听懂,没有关系,第二盒磁带可能就只需要20天了,第三盒磁带可能只需要15天,当听到第5盒磁带再回头听第一盒时,就会有想打自己耳光的感觉 (could have kicked yourself),怪自己为什么当初听不懂这么简单的内容。

大二的时候,英语学习观似乎有些变化,虽然你通过努力可能也过了六级考试,但是你发现一切知识都要应用,六级考题对于你来说更多的是一种表达方式。这个时候,系统学习一下“新概念三”对于增强自己的表达法、深入了解英文行文规则很有帮助。至于口语,找一个志同道合的人,加上新三的强大知识库,每天练习,有三个月,就会有突飞猛进的感觉。 推荐同学们用能飞英语网的能飞英语视听学习机软件来进行听力和口语练习。

3) 大三:


有了六级的基础, 词汇还需要再加强一些,大概有几百个难词要突击一下,阅读要每天坚持练习,听力和口语是很自然的事情。剩下写作是最难的,即使是自己的母语,也不一定人人都能写出一手好文章,所以每个星期写上两篇便很必要,有机会要高手替你修改。 如果实在没有这个机会,就参加一个单独的写作班,向高人学习一些方法。如果有兴趣,自己好好研习新概念四册,便会知道高人是如何用英文来表达生命、哲学等抽象话题了。 不一定每个人都能拿托福雅思高分,但是作为自己英语学习最后的也是最权威的检验,它的意义非凡。

4) 大四:

大家的眼神已经有些焦躁不安。你还在坚持早读,只不过你已经把材料从新概念二册变成了新概念四册(同时你还爱上了睡前看一小时英文,好习惯!) ,你的英语,已经从简单的表达变成了有些文采的新四句型了,讨论学术话题也是滔滔不绝。

当大家都在都在为工作不安时,你的眼神已经有了些许自信——当前的你不是现在决定的,而是三年前的你决定的。如果你要考研,花两个月的时间做历年的真题,有四六级和托福考试经历,考研英语不会让你很分心。多找一些外教朋友,去了解他们的文化和生活方式,多去一些party,用英文去交朋友,享受英文给你带来的乐趣。如果你要找工作,大方地走进主管的办公室,用流利的英文告诉他,你是一个很有计划,很self-discipline d(自律)的人,你是一个要做一件事情就会在三年前计划好、会完美实施的人。我想没有主管不喜欢这么一个有毅力的家伙。恭喜你,你成功了!









thank you for your leadership. i am honored to have this opportunity to introduce myself to you

i'm a student at * school * class. four years of university life is coming to an end, a new beginning is coming, and waiting for me is a new challenge

i was thinking of four years, the knowledge structure and the psychology, the growth mature four years. during the period of university, i carefully study their own professional skills, so i have a strong professional knowledge, and knowledge of the theory into practice, the final grades ranked the highest grade, won the scholarship for outstanding students, two, three the two time, won the title of three good student.

my major is computer, to master the use of various hardware and basic software maintenance process, has a unique experience. smoothly through the national ministry of labor and social security of high-tech office software application module qualification of senior operator examination. at the same time, i develop team spirit, to help other students, their selfless good learning experience introduction to other students, common development and common progress.

personal hobbies lead, into the school i attended the school of painting and calligraphy association, by the director general to the vice president, it is hard for me to pay and the affirmation of the organization. a series of activities to enrich the campus life, was selected as the excellent student. kuajiao organized recreational activities, to achieve the desired purpose, the approval by the teachers and students that person was named the scene painting contest outstanding leader.

jingruchuzi, as 181cm, height and superior skills, so i stepped on the course, become the basketball team main small forward, sweat, and play with the taste of victory. it is one of the most important well-educated and trained in military exercises, i learned in the university. in addition, actively served during the class group secretary and counselor assistant. service for students, outstanding performance, with zhuo yuerong, won the title of excellent student cadre school.

last year, i make outstanding achievements and performance, honor to join the communist party. china joined the advanced group, is a sublimation of my life. bao first in education, i was even more strict demands on themselves, and lead the students around, together with progress. won the advanced inpidual title. in the spiritual civilization to participate in blood donation after and let me know more cherish life, love life. during the holidays, according to my professional expertise, to participate in social practice in the computer company, the accumulation of my experience plays an extremely important role. to obtain a motor vehicle driving license (c). to step into the society, i was full of confidence.


1、 对于北京限制购车,有人赞成

2、 也有人表示反对

3、 你的看法

limiting tbe buying of cars or not?

beijing has placed strict restriction on the number of newly purchased car in the city and the policy bas sparked heated discussion. some people support the policy, saying it,s a powerful method to cope with the severe traffic congestion in the capital. with cars increasing drastically in the past few years, severe traffic jams occur not only in rush hours but at any time of the day now.

others, however, aie strongly against the limitations. they argue that the great number of official cars,which are frequently used, is a big factor causing traffic congestion. but the policy mainly aims at private cars and has no dear restrictions on the use of official cars. besides, car purchase limitation would hinder the development of chinas automobile industry,and more people would lose their jobs as a result.

personally, i think the restriction of buying and use of cars, official cars incladed, is inevitable and just a matter of time for beijing. if the number of cars is not limited, there will be a huge disaster for the environment, road resources, the travel demands of normal people and the improvement of living standards.

20xx年12月大学英语六级作文必背范文:never give up

never give up

“never give up” can be very encouraging words, but the majority of youngsters are likelyto give up regardless when dealing with the ordinary difficulties of life. as one example, manyyoung people are reluctant to continue their english study when they feel difficulty learningnew words. but if one takes “never give up” as a motto, possibilities and opportunities areexpanded。

it is true that giving up may make things temporarily easier, but what cannot be denied isthat new opportunities arise from perseverance. never giving up can expand one’s possibilityfor success. when confronted with something unknown, a little bravery can result in thepossibility of success, like when dr. fleming discovered penicillin. meanwhile, the sense ofnever giving up enhances one’s self-confidence. this makes one more likely to try new things,opening up even more new opportunities. it can even be a benefit to personal relationships。

in view of all factors, never giving up is crucial to the pursuit of dreams. even though toilslie in the way, success is at the other end。




没错,放弃可能使事情暂时变得容易,但不可否认的是,坚持不懈就会有新的机会出现。永不放弃能增加人们成功的机会。在面对未知事物时,一点点勇气就可能 带来成功,就像弗雷明教授发现青霉素一样。与此同时,永不放弃的意识可以增强一个人的自信,让人们更有可能尝试新事物,开启更多的新机会,甚至有利于人际 关系。


20xx年12月大学英语六级作文必背范文:my dream

everyone has a lot of dreams. some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. others want to be famous , dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame. i have a lot of dreams, too. when i was a young girl , i dreamed of becoming a scientist like hua luogen in future 。 however , i knew very well that i could not succeed without painstaking efforts 。 so i studied hard in the middle school and college in order to at train my goal 。

after graduating from college , i found a job as a teacher 。 although i was very busy with teaching , i never gave up my goal 。 i read a lot of books to get more knowledge 。 i made experiments to pr actise and apply what i had lea rnt f rom the books 。 sometimes , i was so deeply indulged in my resea rch that i forgot my meals and time. now i have made great progress. several of my research papers have been published 。 the methods proposed in my papers have been proven to be valuable for the solution of some problems 。 i am very happy. the ladder of becoming a scientist is still far ahead , but i have climbed the first rung anyway 。
