
外国小说欣赏技巧人教版选修教学论文 外国小说欣赏选修教材PPT(二篇)

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外国小说欣赏技巧人教版选修教学论文 外国小说欣赏选修教材PPT(二篇)
2022-12-29 03:52:15    小编:ZTFB




















from monday to friday students usually get up at they have usually have eggs, bread, fruit and a glass of they go to get to school at about half past they put their schoolbags in their lockers and take only one book and a pencil to each class, their classes are english writing, math, history, science, pe, music and art.二、朗读训练材料b:

they usually have meat, vegetables, fruit, bread and a drink at most student like pizza, hot dogs and hamburgers t don‟t have a short go back to have classes after lunch until three o‟ they go ts usually play or watch tv before supper usually has soup, meat, vegetables, and supper they do their mes they play or talk with their saturday they often go shopping, or go outside with their on sunday they go to church with their parents in the morning.三、朗读训练材料c:

ben and jim are twin are are study in yuxin primary are in the same ay they go to school and come back teacher, mrs green, says to the pupils,” please write a composition „my mother‟.”

jim is a good writes the composition at ben plays football with his next day mrs green says to the class,” i read your compositions two of yours are just the same.” ben stands up and says,” jim and i are have the same mother.”


读文章时如果碰到了不会读的新单词,这个时候千万不要慌张,可以停下来向考官询问,“sorry, i don‟t know how to read this word.”保证自己口语面试全过程的纯英文表达,这也是向面试官展示自己认真专注的另一面,一般考官都会告诉你这个单词的发音,毕竟这不是在考你的词汇量,碰到不认识的单词很正常,你所要做的就是把会读的部分读好就足够了。

step2: 学校生活专题的口头问答

do you study english?

key:because it is very useful/ many english classes do you have every week?

key: language has the largest number of speakers in the world? key: do classes begin in your school?

key:at 8 in the do you usually do after school?

key:i usually go back home/play many students are there in your class?

key:there are is your english teacher?

key:miss is your favourite subject, why?

key:e i like it very many days do you goto school every week?

key:i go to school five days a long did it take you to finish your homework yesterday?

key:it took me nearly 3 hours to finish my homework time do you get up every :i usually get up at do you have your breakfast?

key:i have my breakfast at do you go to school every day?

key:i go to school on foot/by many p.e classes do you have every week?


should you say if you are late for class?

key:“i‟m sorry i‟m i come in?”



2.认真听问句,针对相应的when, what, where, how, why部分,准确定位,给出正确答案。



口头作文思路指导:总介绍:our school is big and beautiful分点介绍:学校的建筑物

there are a lot of buildings in our school.a teaching building, a big playground, a canteen, a swimming pool…….介绍学校的人物:

the teachers are very the students are lovely.介绍学校的活动:

after class, the students always play on the students play football, some students skip, and some students play chess……

all of us have fun in the school.口头作文范文参考:

our school is big and are a lot of buildings, a teaching building, a big playground, a library and other teachers are very kind, and the students are very school, we always have sports on the students play basketball, some students skip, and some students play of us have fun in the school.i like my school very e to my school.批注:


