
国语汉语心得体会报告 对外汉语心得体会(2篇)

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国语汉语心得体会报告 对外汉语心得体会(2篇)
2023-01-05 23:18:39    小编:ZTFB





from monday to friday students usually get up at they have usually have eggs, bread, fruit and a glass of they go to get to school at about half past they put their schoolbags in their lockers and take only one book and a pencil to each class, their classes are english writing, math, history, science, pe, music and art.二、朗读训练材料b:

they usually have meat, vegetables, fruit, bread and a drink at most student like pizza, hot dogs and hamburgers t don‟t have a short go back to have classes after lunch until three o‟ they go ts usually play or watch tv before supper usually has soup, meat, vegetables, and supper they do their mes they play or talk with their saturday they often go shopping, or go outside with their on sunday they go to church with their parents in the morning.三、朗读训练材料c:

ben and jim are twin are are study in yuxin primary are in the same ay they go to school and come back teacher, mrs green, says to the pupils,” please write a composition „my mother‟.”

jim is a good writes the composition at ben plays football with his next day mrs green says to the class,” i read your compositions two of yours are just the same.” ben stands up and says,” jim and i are have the same mother.”


读文章时如果碰到了不会读的新单词,这个时候千万不要慌张,可以停下来向考官询问,“sorry, i don‟t know how to read this word.”保证自己口语面试全过程的纯英文表达,这也是向面试官展示自己认真专注的另一面,一般考官都会告诉你这个单词的发音,毕竟这不是在考你的词汇量,碰到不认识的单词很正常,你所要做的就是把会读的部分读好就足够了。

step2: 学校生活专题的口头问答

do you study english?

key:because it is very useful/ many english classes do you have every week?

key: language has the largest number of speakers in the world? key: do classes begin in your school?

key:at 8 in the do you usually do after school?

key:i usually go back home/play many students are there in your class?

key:there are is your english teacher?

key:miss is your favourite subject, why?

key:e i like it very many days do you goto school every week?

key:i go to school five days a long did it take you to finish your homework yesterday?

key:it took me nearly 3 hours to finish my homework time do you get up every :i usually get up at do you have your breakfast?

key:i have my breakfast at do you go to school every day?

key:i go to school on foot/by many p.e classes do you have every week?


should you say if you are late for class?

key:“i‟m sorry i‟m i come in?”



2.认真听问句,针对相应的when, what, where, how, why部分,准确定位,给出正确答案。



口头作文思路指导:总介绍:our school is big and beautiful分点介绍:学校的建筑物

there are a lot of buildings in our school.a teaching building, a big playground, a canteen, a swimming pool…….介绍学校的人物:

the teachers are very the students are lovely.介绍学校的活动:

after class, the students always play on the students play football, some students skip, and some students play chess……

all of us have fun in the school.口头作文范文参考:

our school is big and are a lot of buildings, a teaching building, a big playground, a library and other teachers are very kind, and the students are very school, we always have sports on the students play basketball, some students skip, and some students play of us have fun in the school.i like my school very e to my school.批注:



















【真题一 】


【真题解析】这道题不仅考学生的英语表达能力,还间接地考察了学生对中国古典文学的认识。首先要想好四大名著 分别是什么,然后从中选择一个自己认为最有特色的,同时自己较为熟悉的人物进行表述。

【真题指导】例如可选择《红楼梦》中的史湘云,因为湘云性格热情豪爽、心直口快。学生可以作如下回答:“among all the characters from the four master pieces, shi xiangyun from the dream of red mansions is my favourite, because she always speaks her mind and is warmed-hearted to everyone.”还可以用具体的事例来论证自己的观点,例如: “unlike lin daiyu and xue baochai, xiangyun treats everybody as though she was born nobility, she

would never mind hanging out with he sometimes fights for their justice.”

【举一反三】同类的题目还可以变成“从自己最喜欢的电影中谈谈最喜欢的角色”。面对此类考题,学生可先亮出自己的观点,即“my favourite character is xxx, because he/she is very brave/kind-hearted/…”,也可以说“i like xxx best,because he/she is very brave/kind-hearted/…”然后再例举出书中或者电影中的具体情节作为支撑。


【 真题二】




【真题指导】1.亮出观点:my(科目)teacher is my favorite teacher.也可以my favorite teacher is xxx, he/she teaches me(科目)。

2.回忆描述: she/he has…hair, big eyes…如果是2013的题目谈到同学的优缺点,就可以例举一两句话说明他的趣事或者糗事。he is always late for school…。

3.总结陈词:we all like mrs /ms…she/he is my favorite teacher.总结到点即可。


【 真题三】



【真题指导】1.亮出观点:例如 i am going to talk about the spring festival…或者what i want to talk about is … 同学们要学会用自己已会的词汇来替代自己表达不出来的内容。例如,想用“印象深刻”但是到了嘴边却不知道怎么说?那你可以选用interesting等形容词来代替,还可加上最高级变成the most…

2.描述特点:描述节日里典型的装饰,例如商场的圣诞树。在圣诞节期间,去香港、澳门的小朋友们,一定会被那里的圣诞气氛深深吸引。last christmas, i saw an enormous chocolate tree in front of the shopping mall!how delicious!沉浸在美好回忆的时候动词记得用过去式哦!如果说元宵节,那可说热闹的灯谜会,点出中国人必吃的食物,这就考查同学们对生活点滴的词汇积累了。

【举一反三】如果单纯的例举we can buy a lot of food/thing, we can get

together to play games or watch tv之类的,就很容易雷同无新意,而且还会陷入流水账中不可自拔;描述食物如汤圆glue dumpling时,点到即止,考官考察的是逻辑思路而不是细枝末节。

step3: 练习



【练习指导】同学们可根据自己的实际情况作答。例如, “i like playing basketball most.” 在回答“是什么(what)”之后,一定还要补充“为什么(why)”,例如: “playing basketball does not only make me stronger, it also makes me feel energetic, especially in a basketball each match, i learn that there is a basket and all i need to do is to target helps me in my study semester, i set a goal and i would try my best to achieve it.” 还有“how”的表述,比如, “i play basketball every day after school.i’m even an mvp in the school team.”


【题目解析】典型的西方节日有:valentine’s day, april fool’s day, ester, halloween, thanksgiving, christmas等等。同学们可选择自己最为熟悉的节日进行介绍。介绍的内容应包括什么时候庆祝(when)、谁在庆祝(who)、在哪里庆祝(where)、为什么庆祝(why)、以及怎样庆祝(how)。

【练习指导】we celebrate christmas on december 25every is one of the most important festivals in america, europe and other part of the celebrate it in memory of jesus christ, the son of the god, because he was born on december 25.”在介绍“how”这部分可以更详细些,这样会突出重

点。例如平安夜(christmas eve)家人会一起装扮圣诞树(christmas tree),孩子们会把袜子挂在床头,以便圣诞老人(santa claus)投送礼物,而父母则会在孩子熟睡以后悄悄扮成“圣诞老人”把礼物放入孩子的袜子中。在饮食方面,全家人会吃大餐(big meal)。
