
包头离婚用写申请书怎么写 离婚协议起草书怎么写(四篇)

格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-01-17 19:12:21 页码:12
包头离婚用写申请书怎么写 离婚协议起草书怎么写(四篇)
2023-01-17 19:12:21    小编:ZTFB







包头的餐饮特点仍带有浓郁的西北风味,即以牛、羊肉和各种面食为主,在城市西部有“塞外第一街”之称的钢铁大街上集中了数十家各种风味的餐馆。另外,在环城路和南门外大街的交叉处,有可以品尝到当地各种风味小吃的夜市大排档,而且价钱十分便宜,在夏季的夜晚,来这里一饱口福的人络绎不绝。 包头的风味小吃有马奶酒、燕麦片、熏鸡、素锅盔等。

奶豆腐 内蒙古牧民家中的常见奶点。奶豆腐色泽乳白,酸香浓郁。可冷冻存放,亦可晾干久存食用。

奶茶 蒙古民族传统热饮料。由砖茶、鲜奶煮制而成。喝时通常加少许盐,可以终日饮用,还可以加黄油、泡炒米和奶食品食用。有暖胃、解渴、充饥、助消化的功用。随着牧区与城镇的交往,奶茶逐渐引进餐馆经营。

奶酪 俗称酪蛋子。将分离出白酥油的酸奶,经微火煮熬后,装入布袋,挤出酸水,成碎块状晾干即为酪蛋子。酪蛋子质硬味酸,是奶制品中最普通的食品,为蒙古民族所喜爱。

德兴源稍美 该食品历史悠久。选用锡林郭勒草原鲜羊肉做馅,优质河套面粉做皮精制而成,上屉蒸熟即可。成品呈石榴状,可做宴席中的点心,又是民间美餐。德兴源稍美以皮薄、馅嫩、味香、形美著称,在呼和浩特市稍美经营中独占鳌头。

哈达饼 内蒙古传统名点。相传匈奴东胡人活跃于现在的赤峰市西拉木伦河一带时即用此食品,至今在内蒙古东部地区广泛流传,一般饭馆普遍经营。是选用富强粉、奶油、白糖、桂花、桃仁等烹制而成。此饼层次分明,奶香浓郁,酥松甜美。

刀切酥 内蒙古风味点心。以面粉、饴糖、糖粉制作而成。成品色褐红、味香甜、质酥脆,宜做高、中档宴席的点心,一般多在大、中型酒店经营,民间也有烤制食用的。

王小二大饼 内蒙古传统名食品。相传兴安盟回族已故王小二师傅自幼学徒,经过名师指点制成王小二吊炉饼。因其外焦里嫩,香酥可口,食用方便,经济实惠而美名流传 奶皮子 把羊、牛鲜乳倒入锅中慢火微煮,俟其表面凝结一层腊脂肪,用筷子挑起挂通风处晾干即为奶皮子。制作方法与制作腐竹相似。属鲜奶中的精华。味纯香,营养丰富。加上奶茶、奶果子、炒米食用,为招待贵宾的佳品。

烤整羊 著名传统内蒙古菜。用去毛带皮整羊烤制而成。此菜羊形完整,色泽金红,羊皮酥脆,羊肉嫩香,是内蒙古饮膳食俗的代表作。也有用剥皮整羊烤制的,效果亦佳。

成吉思汗铁板烧 一种烤肉方法。相传元太祖成吉思汗善食此品,在率兵驰骋天下时传至中亚、南俄,风靡世界。在日本等国家民间迄今仍很流行。所以,称之为成吉思汗铁板烧。铁板烤肉制作独特食法别致,烤具方便携带,很适应饭店经营和旅行、野游外餐。选料以羊肉为佳,其次可用牛、猪、鸡、鱼、虾肉,切成适度薄片调制后由食者在铁板上烤熟,蘸已备芝麻酱辣椒、芥菜、葱、姜末、蒜泥、卤虾油等调配的佐料汁食用。肉味鲜香可口,别具一格。

羊背子 蒙古族人民最喜欢、最名贵的佳肴。只有在祭祀、婚嫁喜事、老人过寿或欢迎亲朋贵宾宴席上才能见到。所谓羊背子,是把全羊卸成七大件(除去胸叉),带尾入锅,加盐煮熟。用大铜盘先摆四肢、羊背颈胛、羊头放羊背上,似羊的爬卧姿势上桌 。吃时每人先用蒙古刀从羊尾巴上拉下一条先吃掉,而后就可各取所需。席间还有配菜、奶食品和马奶酒等。







包头的餐饮特点仍带有浓郁的西北风味,即以牛、羊肉和各种面食为主,在城市西部有“塞外第一街”之称的钢铁大街上集中了数十家各种风味的餐馆。另外,在环城路和南门外大街的交叉处,有可以品尝到当地各种风味小吃的夜市大排档,而且价钱十分便宜,在夏季的夜晚,来这里一饱口福的人络绎不绝。 包头的风味小吃有马奶酒、燕麦片、熏鸡、素锅盔等。

奶豆腐 内蒙古牧民家中的常见奶点。奶豆腐色泽乳白,酸香浓郁。可冷冻存放,亦可晾干久存食用。

奶茶 蒙古民族传统热饮料。由砖茶、鲜奶煮制而成。喝时通常加少许盐,可以终日饮用,还可以加黄油、泡炒米和奶食品食用。有暖胃、解渴、充饥、助消化的功用。随着牧区与城镇的交往,奶茶逐渐引进餐馆经营。

奶酪 俗称酪蛋子。将分离出白酥油的酸奶,经微火煮熬后,装入布袋,挤出酸水,成碎块状晾干即为酪蛋子。酪蛋子质硬味酸,是奶制品中最普通的食品,为蒙古民族所喜爱。

德兴源稍美 该食品历史悠久。选用锡林郭勒草原鲜羊肉做馅,优质河套面粉做皮精制而成,上屉蒸熟即可。成品呈石榴状,可做宴席中的点心,又是民间美餐。德兴源稍美以皮薄、馅嫩、味香、形美著称,在呼和浩特市稍美经营中独占鳌头。

哈达饼 内蒙古传统名点。相传匈奴东胡人活跃于现在的赤峰市西拉木伦河一带时即用此食品,至今在内蒙古东部地区广泛流传,一般饭馆普遍经营。是选用富强粉、奶油、白糖、桂花、桃仁等烹制而成。此饼层次分明,奶香浓郁,酥松甜美。

刀切酥 内蒙古风味点心。以面粉、饴糖、糖粉制作而成。成品色褐红、味香甜、质酥脆,宜做高、中档宴席的点心,一般多在大、中型酒店经营,民间也有烤制食用的。

王小二大饼 内蒙古传统名食品。相传兴安盟回族已故王小二师傅自幼学徒,经过名师指点制成王小二吊炉饼。因其外焦里嫩,香酥可口,食用方便,经济实惠而美名流传 奶皮子 把羊、牛鲜乳倒入锅中慢火微煮,俟其表面凝结一层腊脂肪,用筷子挑起挂通风处晾干即为奶皮子。制作方法与制作腐竹相似。属鲜奶中的精华。味纯香,营养丰富。加上奶茶、奶果子、炒米食用,为招待贵宾的佳品。

烤整羊 著名传统内蒙古菜。用去毛带皮整羊烤制而成。此菜羊形完整,色泽金红,羊皮酥脆,羊肉嫩香,是内蒙古饮膳食俗的代表作。也有用剥皮整羊烤制的,效果亦佳。

成吉思汗铁板烧 一种烤肉方法。相传元太祖成吉思汗善食此品,在率兵驰骋天下时传至中亚、南俄,风靡世界。在日本等国家民间迄今仍很流行。所以,称之为成吉思汗铁板烧。铁板烤肉制作独特食法别致,烤具方便携带,很适应饭店经营和旅行、野游外餐。选料以羊肉为佳,其次可用牛、猪、鸡、鱼、虾肉,切成适度薄片调制后由食者在铁板上烤熟,蘸已备芝麻酱辣椒、芥菜、葱、姜末、蒜泥、卤虾油等调配的佐料汁食用。肉味鲜香可口,别具一格。

羊背子 蒙古族人民最喜欢、最名贵的佳肴。只有在祭祀、婚嫁喜事、老人过寿或欢迎亲朋贵宾宴席上才能见到。所谓羊背子,是把全羊卸成七大件(除去胸叉),带尾入锅,加盐煮熟。用大铜盘先摆四肢、羊背颈胛、羊头放羊背上,似羊的爬卧姿势上桌 。吃时每人先用蒙古刀从羊尾巴上拉下一条先吃掉,而后就可各取所需。席间还有配菜、奶食品和马奶酒等。







包头的餐饮特点仍带有浓郁的西北风味,即以牛、羊肉和各种面食为主,在城市西部有“塞外第一街”之称的钢铁大街上集中了数十家各种风味的餐馆。另外,在环城路和南门外大街的交叉处,有可以品尝到当地各种风味小吃的夜市大排档,而且价钱十分便宜,在夏季的夜晚,来这里一饱口福的人络绎不绝。 包头的风味小吃有马奶酒、燕麦片、熏鸡、素锅盔等。

奶豆腐 内蒙古牧民家中的常见奶点。奶豆腐色泽乳白,酸香浓郁。可冷冻存放,亦可晾干久存食用。

奶茶 蒙古民族传统热饮料。由砖茶、鲜奶煮制而成。喝时通常加少许盐,可以终日饮用,还可以加黄油、泡炒米和奶食品食用。有暖胃、解渴、充饥、助消化的功用。随着牧区与城镇的交往,奶茶逐渐引进餐馆经营。

奶酪 俗称酪蛋子。将分离出白酥油的酸奶,经微火煮熬后,装入布袋,挤出酸水,成碎块状晾干即为酪蛋子。酪蛋子质硬味酸,是奶制品中最普通的食品,为蒙古民族所喜爱。

德兴源稍美 该食品历史悠久。选用锡林郭勒草原鲜羊肉做馅,优质河套面粉做皮精制而成,上屉蒸熟即可。成品呈石榴状,可做宴席中的点心,又是民间美餐。德兴源稍美以皮薄、馅嫩、味香、形美著称,在呼和浩特市稍美经营中独占鳌头。

哈达饼 内蒙古传统名点。相传匈奴东胡人活跃于现在的赤峰市西拉木伦河一带时即用此食品,至今在内蒙古东部地区广泛流传,一般饭馆普遍经营。是选用富强粉、奶油、白糖、桂花、桃仁等烹制而成。此饼层次分明,奶香浓郁,酥松甜美。

刀切酥 内蒙古风味点心。以面粉、饴糖、糖粉制作而成。成品色褐红、味香甜、质酥脆,宜做高、中档宴席的点心,一般多在大、中型酒店经营,民间也有烤制食用的。

王小二大饼 内蒙古传统名食品。相传兴安盟回族已故王小二师傅自幼学徒,经过名师指点制成王小二吊炉饼。因其外焦里嫩,香酥可口,食用方便,经济实惠而美名流传 奶皮子 把羊、牛鲜乳倒入锅中慢火微煮,俟其表面凝结一层腊脂肪,用筷子挑起挂通风处晾干即为奶皮子。制作方法与制作腐竹相似。属鲜奶中的精华。味纯香,营养丰富。加上奶茶、奶果子、炒米食用,为招待贵宾的佳品。

烤整羊 著名传统内蒙古菜。用去毛带皮整羊烤制而成。此菜羊形完整,色泽金红,羊皮酥脆,羊肉嫩香,是内蒙古饮膳食俗的代表作。也有用剥皮整羊烤制的,效果亦佳。

成吉思汗铁板烧 一种烤肉方法。相传元太祖成吉思汗善食此品,在率兵驰骋天下时传至中亚、南俄,风靡世界。在日本等国家民间迄今仍很流行。所以,称之为成吉思汗铁板烧。铁板烤肉制作独特食法别致,烤具方便携带,很适应饭店经营和旅行、野游外餐。选料以羊肉为佳,其次可用牛、猪、鸡、鱼、虾肉,切成适度薄片调制后由食者在铁板上烤熟,蘸已备芝麻酱辣椒、芥菜、葱、姜末、蒜泥、卤虾油等调配的佐料汁食用。肉味鲜香可口,别具一格。

羊背子 蒙古族人民最喜欢、最名贵的佳肴。只有在祭祀、婚嫁喜事、老人过寿或欢迎亲朋贵宾宴席上才能见到。所谓羊背子,是把全羊卸成七大件(除去胸叉),带尾入锅,加盐煮熟。用大铜盘先摆四肢、羊背颈胛、羊头放羊背上,似羊的爬卧姿势上桌 。吃时每人先用蒙古刀从羊尾巴上拉下一条先吃掉,而后就可各取所需。席间还有配菜、奶食品和马奶酒等。


every time the sun goes down, every building in baotou lights up. there areendless cars and colorful lights on the steel street. they shine 's very beautiful!

every night when it comes, the lights in aldin square are shining andresplendent. in summer, leisure people enjoy the cool and take photos beside thebeautiful fountain. white pigeons fly around. the children are chasing eachother in roller skates and playing happily. the grandfather sings mongoliansongs and flies the luminous kite into the sky.

many people come to watch the water curtain movie in the galaxy are many sika deer dancing here. i believe many people like the galaxysquare very much. children must come to visit it during the holidays!

after nightfall, the neon lights of the rare earth building are all on, andthe four characters of "china rare earth" are more eye-catching, and the wholebuilding is more magnificent. the ancient bayi park has become a beautiful placewith beautiful scenery. there are many luxuriant trees around the park. thereare many colorful light belts around the trees, just like little starstwinkling. it's very beautiful!

the lights of the science and technology children's palace also en come from all directions to learn their favorite extracurricularknowledge. in the building, the sound of piano and dancing are veryinteresting!

baotou at night how lively, how bright, how beautiful, how brilliant!


shiguai district of the ancient great wall shiguai district is a miningarea under the jurisdiction of baotou city, located in the northeast of thecity, with an area of more than 600 square kilometers and a population of about80000. it is the main coal and ceramic raw material base of baotou city. shiguaiis the transliteration of mongolian "shiguitu", which means "a place withforest". the history of shiguai district can be traced back to the warringstates period, and the most ancient great wall of china, the warring states zhaogreat wall, runs through the whole territory. before the qing dynasty, it was anomadic grassland in the urad of mongolian nationality, with abundant water andgrass and dense forest.

the history of shiguai district is closely related to the developmenthistory of daqingshan coalfield, and shiguai district is famous for itsunderground treasure. after decades of hard work, daqingshan coal field hasformed a production scale with an annual output of 5 million tons of raw coal,and has become an important coal energy base in baotou city. coal tax accountsfor more than 85% of the financial revenue of the area, making a positivecontribution to the economic development of baotou. with the adjustment of thenational coal industry policy, in the past two years, shiguai district hasvigorously developed the industrial development zone, forming a new industrialgroup that produces silicon alloys, industrial silicon and crude steel. it canproduce 1 million tons of silicon alloys and 100000 tons of copper annually,forming a world-class industrial silicon production base and the largest copperproduction base in northern china.

now, our car has been more than 20 kilometers away from the city. throughthe window, you can clearly see a long earth built dragon winding along thehillside. this is the great wall of zhao that we are going to visit. thissection of the great wall is the oldest existing great wall in china. it wasbuilt by king wuling, the leader of zhao guojun in the warring states period, toconsolidate the border and prevent the invasion of the northern hu people. it is20 years ago___ years of history. it has a total length of more than 500kilometers. it starts from xuanhua in hebei province in the east, enters wulatemiddle banner in inner mongolia in the west, and meanders among the hills at thesouthern foot of yinshan mountain. it lies in the middle of baotou, about 150kilometers in baotou. according to the historical records of xiongnu, after zhaowuling ascended the throne, in order to enrich the country and strengthen thearmy, he carried out a series of reforms, such as the familiar "hufu riding andshooting". and in the "north broken linhu, lou fan" after "building the greatwall, since the generation and yinshan, to the high que for the plug.".

according to historians, zhao wuling built the great wall in 320 bc___ 320years ago___ it's between two years. the highest part of zhao great wall isabout 5 meters high and the base is about 5 meters wide. it is built in astraight line as far as possible. the main part is rammed with soil and somesections are built with stone. if you look carefully, the level of ramming isstill clear. on the city wall, the traces of beacon towers can also beidentified, with a width of about 10 meters and a distance of about 1 km. at theimportant pass, there are barrier cities which are closely related to the greatwall. most of these barrier cities are rectangular, with an area of 800-1000square meters. some of them are also connected with the great wall. the scaleand number of barrier cities are often related to the importance of the pass. inancient times, the area to the south of yinshan mountain and the north bank ofthe yellow river was a fertile field with abundant water and grass. it was notonly a "garden of nomads", but also a springboard for them to enter the centralplains. as long as they occupied this place, they could enter the fenhe river orthe yellow river valley and go directly to the hinterland of the central the han people wanted to eliminate the threat, they had to guardyinshanyukou. therefore, this place has become a must for military is recorded in history that "the xiongnu lost the land of yin mountain andnever passed without crying", which is the reason.

it can be seen that the significance of the great wall built by theancients here is so great. for more than two thousand years, zhao great wall, asa historical witness at the foot of yinshan mountain, has quietly experiencedthe vicissitudes of this land, listened to the history and recorded many storiesand legends, leaving us endless reverie and thinking. it is no wonder that jianbozan, a famous historian in china, felt deeply after visiting the great wall ofzhao. he wrote a poem praising: "riding and shooting hufu controls northernxinjiang. the hero is worthy of wuling king..." now, this section of the greatwall has been listed as a patriotic education base in baotou city, educatinggenerations of young people.
