
in的英文单词相关短语范本 英语单词in的意思(二篇)

格式:DOC 上传日期:2022-12-31 15:04:00 页码:13
in的英文单词相关短语范本 英语单词in的意思(二篇)
2022-12-31 15:04:00    小编:ZTFB



everybody is good! i am a little tour guide. by now i lead you to visit the beautiful summer palace.


the summer palace, also named qingyi garden. you see, this is the famous promenade. the gallery has more than seven hundred meters, is pided into 273. it has a long column, a green rows, rows neatly, like a trained soldiers; have red paint of the rail, and between each cross sill have all kinds of decorative pattern, such as trees and flowers, figures, landscapes, and so on. along with pots of colorful flowers, floral scents in the corridor float to fall away, pure and fresh taste. now, ladies and gentlemen, please be careful of cascade, and don't litter, garbage must throw into the garbage, protect the beautiful environment here!


dear visitors, everybody follow me, please! this is a the most looking forward to you - kunming lake. kunming lake is a long levee. hubei has several forms of the stone bridge, had one hundred stone pillars on the railing. pillars engraved with lions, they each demeanor, fantastic!


we're going to up the hill, you go! our next attraction is the longevity hill. a three layers in the middle of the longevity hill pagoda. alongside hits the towering trees, tree-lined, look like a huge jade.


it is the end of the summer palace one day tour. do you think the scenery beautiful? after our country still has a lot of places of interest, we will watch the more beautiful sights! dear visitors, goodbye!



the modern world is experiencing rapid development of science and technology.


[ 分析 ] 将句中的形容词 rapid 转译为汉语中的副词。


we need clean air, but unfortunately, air pollution is generally present, especially in cities.


[ 分析 ] 本句为了避免尤其是在城市里的表达不完整,增加了如此。


there was no snow, the leaves were gone from the trees, the grass was dead.


[ 分析 ] 在汉语中叶落的概念非常清楚,所以省译了 from the trees 。


he could see that she had been patient all her life, so that now, after years of it, her lips were set in a gentle and saintly smile.


[ 分析 ] 英语句子的顺序,从意思上讲,与汉语句子的顺序是一致的。


it is our task to build up a nuclear power station somewhere by the end of this year.


[ 分析 ] 翻译英语里面的一系列状语时,必须按照时间状语、地点状语和方式状语的顺序汉语习惯表达习惯来组织语句。


at the meeting decision was made to transfer a part of the students to another school.


[ 分析 ] 本句的主语的后置定语比较长,而谓语很短,为了使句子结构匀称,避免头重脚轻的现象,就把后面的不定式与主句分开翻译了。

也就是说翻译时经过仔细推敲,或按照时间先后,或按照逻辑顺序,有顺有逆、有主有次地对全句进行综合处理,英语和汉语的字面意思不完全对应,但是内涵是相同的。例如: one can perhaps get a clearer picture of japan’s acute population pressure by imagining what switzerland would be like if that small and mountainous country were inhabited by 28 million people instead of the 5.7 million at present. 只要设想一下,假若那小小的瑞士居住的人口不是现在的五百七十万,而是两千八百万,瑞士会是什么情景,人民便会清楚地理解日本所面临的人口压力是多么大。

[ 分析 ] 原文的重点在于 one ca n.。。population pressure,按照汉语习惯,应该先叙事,后总结,所以翻译时从中间by imagining.。。入手,最后回到句首,译出one can.。。。而且汉语句子的意思也有意译的成分。
