

格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-03 17:42:20 页码:10
2023-05-03 17:42:20    小编:zdfb





high-level questions about you:

tell me about yourself

walk me through your resume

how would your friends/coworkers/supervisor describe you?

what are your biggest weaknesses?

what are your biggest strengths?

questions about why you want to go to business school and future goals

why do you think now is the time for you to go back to school?

what do you hope to learn in business school?

what do you think you will contribute that will be unique among your classmates?

why do you want to come to this school?

where else are you applying?

where do you see yourself in 10 years?

questions about specific experiences in your background

sar: situation-action-result


discuss a time when you successfully supervised a perse group of people toward a difficult goal.

give an example of when you accomplished something significant that wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t been there.

tell me about a situation where you had to persuade someone to agree with your point of view

describe a time when you had to gain upper management’s support for an idea/proposal.

name a time when you had to convince someone who didn’t report directly to you to do something they didn’t want to do.

describe a situation in which you identified key problems early on in a project and were able to avert a crisis.

tell me about a time when you led a team to a goal even though the inpidual team members were skeptical that it could be accomplished.

discuss a time when you had to make an unpopular decision.


tell me about the toughest group that you ever worked in. what made it so tough, and how did you handle it?

describe a time when you have a conflict with another person in a corporate or school setting.

tell me about a time when you worked with someone who didn’t follow through. what did you do?

how have you dealt with a person who was difficult to work with?


describe an ethical dilemma that you faced in your career. how did you resolve it?

give me an example of when you pushed back against doing something.

what is the hardest decision you have ever had to make on the job? outside of your job?


name a time when you developed a unique and resourceful solution to a problem.

describe a situation when you had to make an important decision without having all of the necessary information at hand.

tell me about a time when you had to analyze facts quickly, identify the issues, and develop an action plan.

give me an example of when you thought out of the box.

tell me about a time when you took a smart risk.

have you ever had to bend a rule to get your work done more efficiently?


tell me about your most spectacular failure. what happened? what did you learn?

what happened, what went wrong, what you learned, and how you applied that lesson in a later situation.

discuss a time when you didn’t succeed on the first try.

what is the worst professional decision you have ever made?

tell me about a time when you weren’t very pleased with your performance.

describe a situation in which you wish you had acted differently with someone in your group.




一、arrive on time:




三、eye contact:

可能跟传统的行为习惯有关,跟西方人相比,中国人在交谈中可能eye contact少一些,而且由于紧张,有的人的眼神就变得飘忽不定,给人以不够confidential的感觉,或者是让人感觉到你没有engage到谈话中来,这都会影响别人对你的印象。与此同时,从面试官跟你的eye contact中,其实也可以看出他是否engage到谈话中来,如果面试官频繁看手表或者是开始有一些小动作,那么有可能你讲的.内容并没有引起他的共鸣或者是兴趣,这时你可能就要考虑有说调整。可见eye contact是面试过程中的一种非常重要的communication。

四、body language/movement:

尽量避免小动作,比较可行的方法是把手放到桌子上以管好自己的手,很多人在紧张的时候就会出现小动作,这算不上是什么big deal,但是对于他人而言可能会使他们感到不comfortable,从而影响他们对你的impression。


通常商学院的面试都是你讲得多,而面试官则是听得多,这么一来面试的好坏会在相当程度上取决与你讲地怎么样。如果连你自认为最精彩的故事你都讲得没有engagement,就不make sense了。或者听你讲故事的面试官没有engagement,在面试过程中你要留心面试官是否有在专注,如果面试官开始不专注或者是出现频繁看表或其他的小动作,这时你可能就要注意是否自己讲跑题了需要把主题拉回来。总之,在面试过程中非常重要的一点就是要manage好面试双方的engagement。

六、energy level:

在面试过程中你说表现或者保持的energy level也是面试官们通常要考察的一个重点,因为高的energy level跟你是否能够适应商学院高强度的学习生活以及以后能否适应更高强度的高层管理工作都是紧密相关的,因此在面试过程中保持好的energy level是非常关键的,这也是展示你的passion的很好的机会,要给人留下充满活力的感觉。




